Rainbo's Inn

If friends were stopped at an Inn for a cup of tea, they might discuss the thoughts expressed here.

Tuesday, January 03, 2006

Back to Reality and a New Year

I'm home again after traveling across the country for the Holidays. It was great to visit with the grandchildren, daughter and son in law and then home for one day and back on the road to spend New Year's with son and his wife and family. But- I'm glad to be home sleeping in my own bed. I woke up a couple of times and had to think about where I was.

I took advantage of some after Christmas sales but not as much as previous years. Most things were picked over before I had a chance to do any serious shopping. I have enough Christmas wrap for next year. I did buy some more bows. I like to pick them up this time of year for birthdays, weddings, showers, etc. I still have some things stored in my gift closet in case of a wedding. With all the weddings we had in the last couple of years, I probably need to stock up on baby gifts now. But after all, I’m really at a point in life that I need to simplify and reduce the clutter.

Now, back to reality: Taking down the Christmas tree and other decorations; Looking at all the left-over baked goods and telling myself I really don't need that Christmas cookie, candy or piece of fruitcake; Looking at the stuff in the basement and resolving that I really will have a yard sale and get rid of it. Catching up on the mail and phone calls.

We heard from some old friends over the holidays and I really need to work harder at keeping in touch. Maybe this blog will help. If they read it, they can post their latest news as a comment.

This was our son’s first Christmas season in the sporting goods store he bought last June. He left his job of 18 years to try doing something he loves. He admitted to me that it was a lot more work than he had anticipated. Being your own boss can make you work too hard some times. It should be easier next year. He will know ahead of time what he needs to order and perhaps will have more help. Plans to hire one of his cousin’s sons full time. He is a bright young man and has been working there part time for a few months. As soon as he works out his notice with his other employer he will work full time for our son.

(Would you call him a second cousin or 1st cousin, once removed? His dad and our son are first cousins.)

I’m looking forward to a good year. Lots of projects planned. I Read an article by a man who said that as a child, he had spent New Year's Eves with his dad and some older men. He said the men were not so much anxious to celebrate a New Year as to reminisce about the previous one. Rather than say “Happy New Year” they always said, “Wasn’t last year a Dandy!”

Here’s wishing your past year and the coming ones are Dandys!


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