Rainbo's Inn

If friends were stopped at an Inn for a cup of tea, they might discuss the thoughts expressed here.

Friday, September 02, 2005

I had not planned to use this blog to address anything that wasn't cheerful. Unfortunately, what has happened to so many thousands of people in the Gulf Coast deserves acknowledgement. My thoughts and prayers are with all of them and everyone all over our world who has suffered a loss of loved one due to this tragedy.

One of my neighbors called and said he had relatives that were in a shelter and may be coming here, as they now have nothing to go back to. Another relative was going to get them and take them to her own home until decisions could be made.

There will be many families and individuals who may have to move to new locations throughout our nation. Leaving their homes, friends and culture will be difficult for them. Accepting these "newcomers" will not be easy for everyone. They will have had a different way of living and perhaps even their speech will be different from those in their new environment. It is one thing to move to a new community because of job opportunities or personal decisions, but it a totally different mentality to have to move because you have no other choice. If we are in some of the communities who must help these "refugees" acclimate to their new lives, we too will need prayers and patience. So many times our citizens have opened their homes and communities to peoples of other nations dispersed due to wars, etc. Let’s remember our own fellow Americans who may need a welcoming hand or hug.


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