Never again!
I admit, I am a pack rat. I hate to get rid of anything that can still be used. I will give it to someone without any regret but to just lay it out on a yard sale table and allow someone to critically look at it and then REJECT it. Ouch! I feel like they are rejecting a part of me.
Is there a Pack Rats Anonymous? I should join. "Hello, my name is Irene and I’m a Pack Rat.” I’m always afraid that after I get rid of something I will need it again. I try to find alternative uses for all sorts of things. Our house has a full basement and when I say that, I mean a FULL basement! Even worse, I am married to the Pack Rat King. He became totally addicted a few years ago after he cleaned out one of the smaller outbuildings. He had about one and half squares of old composition roofing. It wasn't fit to use on a roof so he burned it. After he got the outbuilding clean he realized he needed something to put on the dirt floor. Oh No! The roofing would have been ideal. Now he is worse than I am.
My grandmother used to say, “Keep something seven years and you will find a use for it.” I think I must be genetically predisposed to being a Pack Rat. I don’t remember her having a lot of clutter around though. Of course back then, you did not buy stuff you could not use.
Like so many women, I love the $1 Shops. I find so much USEFUL stuff there. “Maybe someone I know needs that particular item. It is only $1; I’ll buy it”. I seldom get out of those stores for less than $25.00. And before Christmas, a couple of my favorite spots were having “Everything 30 cents Today” specials. Do you know how many 30-cent items are in a $10.00 bill? Too many.
I’m going to put some stuff in the box for a yard sale. Someone around here may just be needing something like that. If they don’t happen to come by my yard sale, I will give it to one of the charitable organizations in town. I’m going to be strong. I am going to do it.
Is there a Pack Rats Anonymous? I should join. "Hello, my name is Irene and I’m a Pack Rat.” I’m always afraid that after I get rid of something I will need it again. I try to find alternative uses for all sorts of things. Our house has a full basement and when I say that, I mean a FULL basement! Even worse, I am married to the Pack Rat King. He became totally addicted a few years ago after he cleaned out one of the smaller outbuildings. He had about one and half squares of old composition roofing. It wasn't fit to use on a roof so he burned it. After he got the outbuilding clean he realized he needed something to put on the dirt floor. Oh No! The roofing would have been ideal. Now he is worse than I am.
My grandmother used to say, “Keep something seven years and you will find a use for it.” I think I must be genetically predisposed to being a Pack Rat. I don’t remember her having a lot of clutter around though. Of course back then, you did not buy stuff you could not use.
Like so many women, I love the $1 Shops. I find so much USEFUL stuff there. “Maybe someone I know needs that particular item. It is only $1; I’ll buy it”. I seldom get out of those stores for less than $25.00. And before Christmas, a couple of my favorite spots were having “Everything 30 cents Today” specials. Do you know how many 30-cent items are in a $10.00 bill? Too many.
I’m going to put some stuff in the box for a yard sale. Someone around here may just be needing something like that. If they don’t happen to come by my yard sale, I will give it to one of the charitable organizations in town. I’m going to be strong. I am going to do it.
Labels: clutter, yard sales
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