Rainbo's Inn

If friends were stopped at an Inn for a cup of tea, they might discuss the thoughts expressed here.

Friday, August 19, 2005

A good cup of tea

must be sipped slowly. Preferably in front of a cracklin' fire, or while sitting in front of a window looking out on a peaceful body of water. You can be alone or with someone you really care for. The key to full enjoyment is no conversation. It is even better if you can clear your mind of all your thoughts and just look at the fire or the water.

The time it takes to drink the tea should not exceed the time it takes for the tea to cool but at the same time, never be rushed. Take a sip slowly into your mouth. Allow in to linger like you would a sip of wine, savoring the flavor, then slowly allow it to be swallowed.

It doesn't matter what flavor tea you use; what matters is that you like the flavor. Some days I use a spice tea, sometimes a fruit flavored tea and sometimes I just want a simple cup of black and orange pekoe tea. I have a friend that thought orange pekoe meant orange flavored but it refers to the color of the leaf, not added flavoring.

When finished, you will find yourself surprisingly refreshed, and your mind clear and ready to take on your tasks. It will not "pump you up" like coffee.

Take time for a cup. I know it is summer time, but surely you can find a cool place to sit with a cup of tea cradled in your hand for a few moments.


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